TRUEBLUE ELECTRODES aims to provide the highest standards of service and customer care without compromising quality or price. All products are designed and manufactured to meet Indian and international standards. Earthing and Lightning Protection Standards include BS EN 62305, BS EN 62561 parts 1 – 7, BS 7430, BS 7354 and UL467.
At TRUEBLUE ELECTRODES, our wealth of knowledge in structural lightning protection, earthing and exothermic welding gives us the ability to offer leading edge product development and unparalleled technical support. We are sensitive to the needs of our customers and to the requirements of an ever-changing technological world.
We are happy to introduce our self as Trueblue Electrodes, manufacturer of Chemical Earthing Systems & Lightning Protection Systems. We have mission to equate Importance of Earthing in Domestic, Commercial & Industrial Electrification, and Based on safety point of view launch chemical earthing. We are the manufacturers and turnkey contracting company in India, who is specialized in Earthing component, which is very necessary part of electricity supply, distribution and consumption. We provide services/solutions and provide turnkey work in various industries. Please feel free to revert for any clarification regarding the same.
For our Premium product following procedure are followed :-
1. Soil resistivity Test at the site location.
2. Recommendation of number of earthing & size of earthing ( calculate with soil resistivity value and fault current value).
3. Installation of earthing at actual cost at the time of installation.
4. If earthing is done as per electrical consultant recommendation we give 5 years warranty.
5. Every year Trueblue Electrodes engineer will come to the earthing installed location and test the earthing and give you report of earthing each year.