Mast to withstand ESE LA

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Mast to withstand ESE LA

Trueblue Electrodes bring innovation to Lightning Protection through the introduction of a lightweight, easy to install, Lightning Mast.

1. Durability

*Composite high strength material
*Corrosion resistant
*UV protected
*Vandal resistant – mechanical damage and graffiti
*The composite mast itself, does not cause interference for radio, microwaves, etc . . .

2. Flexibility of Selection

Our lightning mast can be customised to customer requirements. The Trueblue Electrodes Lightning Mast allows the user flexibility not only to choose either HDGI or copper air terminals and conductor, BUT also, select one or two down-conductors as well as vary cross-sectional area.

3. Product Selection

Wind loading and location of the masts are key elements in determining the type and size of foundation/base that can be used. It is important therefore, that Trueblue Electrodes carry out calculations to verify correct foundation selection.

Mast to withstand ESE LA